YouTube High Definition

Congratulations! YouTube High Definition updated successfully. This version contains below improvements:

• Support for Recent YouTube Changes

Support for Recent YouTube Changes

YouTube High Definition has been updated to add support for recent YouTube changes. Full Page and Expand video player sizes have been updated to reflect recent user interface changes in YouTube.

And Happy 2017. We can’t thank you enough for the assistance that you extended to us in the year gone by and we wish you a new year filled with prosperity, joy, and contentment.

If you find the application useful please support my development efforts.

51 Responses to “YouTube High Definition”
  1. Austen says:

    hey man this works great thanks man saves a lot of useless wasted time, just a suggestion if u guys have time if could consider adding a automatically shut off annotations option to turn those off too. thanks anyways, Austen.

  2. Martin says:

    Absolutely great application. I really appreciate your work.

  3. manstill68 says:

    thanks baris derin for annotation turn-off function. I’m the happiest person to know about it since I’ve asked for it too.. hahaha.. thanks again.. you’re the best firefox add-on

  4. Mr. Anthony Brown says:

    Great add-on, much needed, and appreciated. Thanks again.

    Mr. Anthony

  5. Spamlet says:

    Typical. I just this evening searched all over for how to stop this feature, and, in the end took youtube out of FlashBlock’s whitelist. An hour later you give me exactly what I was looking for!

  6. Garbouw Deark says:

    Love it! This is something that has always annoyed me about YouTube, so I’m glad that you thought of this!

  7. Dan Bran says:

    Thanks guys for making YouTube approx. 1,000,000x less irritating! Keep up the good work.

  8. james says:

    Superb app – appreciate the work and updates.

  9. Marcel says:

    One of the best applications available for Firefox. Keep up the good work!

  10. Bennie V Crowell says:

    Thanks for keeping this up to date with YouTube changes. Works great now!

  11. Johnny says:

    Saves the hassle of constantly adjusting the quality. Thanks!