
Readability Changelog Image

Congratulations! Readability updated successfully. This version contains below improvements:

• Firefox 7 Support

Firefox 7 Support

Readability has been updated to support upcoming Firefox 7.

If you find the application useful please support my development efforts.

49 Responses to “Readability”
  1. I would be nice if I could store preferences for the right-click popup.

  2. Baris Derin says:

    Hi Michael,

    Next version will include storing preferences support.

  3. MCLA says:

    It would be nice if another click would restore the original layout of the page.

  4. squeaky says:

    Does Readability have keyboard shortcuts?

  5. Baris Derin says:

    You can use CTRL+ALT+R to activate Readability. For returning to original page use CTRL+R.

  6. squeaky says:

    The CTRL+ALT+R keyboard shortcut restarts my browser it does not activate Readability I am using 0.5 on FF 3.6

  7. Baris Derin says:

    Then another add-on you use is conflicting with Readability. Which add-ons do you use?

  8. squeaky says:

    Mr Tech’s Toolkit was the add-on that had the conflicting keyboard shortcut. Thanks for the help Readability is a great add-on.

  9. orel says:

    A very nice and useful extension.
    Can you make adjustments for rtl support?

  10. cchris says:

    (Asked for ion the Moilla add-ons page)
    Clicking the status bar icon switches current page to high readability mode. Clicking again doesn’t retore the nomrmal page layout. Would be a nice interface enhancement.
    As a bonus, the status bar icon (or toolbar button) could reflect the current state – for instance by flipping upside down when next click will stop Readability.

    Overall a very nice job, keep going.

  11. Baris Derin says:

    Hi cchris,

    Readability mode contains a Reload Original Page button to return to original web page. Can I ask why you need this extra functionality?

  12. I have not been able to get Readability to work effectively. It seems it reads an introductory page or pop up screen only. Your suggestions would be appreciated.

  13. Baris Derin says:

    Hi Deborah,

    Which web page do you try to Readability?

  14. ¯`°²¤Flash¤²°´¯ says:

    I love this add-on…my only problem’s been that, while I can add/customize my R icon to my toolbar at th etop of my page, the R always (also!) resides in the lower right of my browser window. I didn’t put it there,knowingly, and can’t figure out how to get rid of it!
    Any help?
    Thanks again for a great add-on!

  15. Baris Derin says:

    Hello Flash,

    Next versions will have a support the remove the statusbar icon.

  16. Ronda O'Bryant says:

    Good stuff!!!

  17. Bill Vilberg says:

    I have a screencast that I put out every Friday, trying to keep the faculty at the University of Miami informed of new and exciting things happening on the web. My first video was on Readability and can be found at the web page. GREAT PRODUCT! I have gotten lots of comments from people on my mailing list saying that they installed it immediately and find it very useful. THANKS.

  18. Ronda O'Bryant says:

    Thanks! Really cool.

  19. Ralph says:

    Thank you for all your work! Readability is one of the very best extensions I’ve seen anywhere.

    A suggestion: sometimes Readability understandably fails to find the desired piece of text to display. I suspect there is no algorithm which will always succeed at this task.

    But maybe you could allow a reader to point to the desired start of text, say by highlighting the first three words or some such convention. If Readability finds 3 words highlighted, it starts rendering improved text beginning with those words, instead of guessing.

    Great work!

  20. Baris Derin says:

    Hello Ralph,

    Good suggestion. I can add such a functionality in future versions of the add-on.