Personas Rotator

Personas Rotator Project Image

Personas Rotator is a new companion for Personas Firefox add-on to change your beloved Personas skins periodically on Firefox. What Will Your Browser Wear Now?

Personas Rotator is a rewarded Firefox add-on to change over 65000+ skins periodically on Firefox. Personas Rotator will automatically rotate the Personas skins you have. If you logged in and have favorites in the system, the add-on will try to rotate your My Favorites personas. If you did not log in the system and have no My Favorites personas, the rotation is completely random through different collections over 65000+ skins. The rotation interval time is set to 1 minute as default and you can change this value through settings to your liking.

You can also add any skin to your favorites by using special toolbar buttons. Rotate Next functionality will switch to another skin if you did not like the current Persona. You can use or adjust the keyboard short-cuts from Options panel of Personas Rotator.

Install Personas Rotator

57 Responses to “Personas Rotator”
  1. susiloharjo says:

    nice add-on , i really like it thank’s

  2. Spider75 says:

    Hey,Baris Derin When is the next version come out?

  3. Sunny Gupta says:

    That,s nice it is so looking rock……….

  4. beni says:

    very nice

  5. I would like to see this working, without me having to do to much

  6. I am very new at this and very excited to learn as I venture, make mistakes and learn by my mistakes. This is going to be a good experience fo me.

  7. Shinjoni says:

    Would it be possible to allow the user to make their own folders other than their favorites

  8. Awin says:

    Awesome addon … only complain I have is that the personas rotator isn’t random enough .. It just rotates between the first 20 personas from each selection

  9. Lyuis jose says:

    Este programita lo instalo Luis José Amézquita

  10. Kevin says:

    Nice work. Thanks.
    Two feature requests, check boxes for Rotation Category, the Fashion category has some swimsuit models that aren’t appropriate for my work. I can only select one or all.

    Second would be cut down on the repeats. There are 170K+ personas and I shouldn’t be seeing the same ones more than once a week.

  11. Jhoan Manuel says:

    Hello, i think this is a great add-on, thank you very much, but i would like to suggest that in the program options you should include, besides rotation category, a “Not Include” filter because if you don’t want a particular category, you have no option to NOT include that category that you don’t want to.

    I don’ t know if i’m the only one person with this suggestion but it would be really good, i think.

    Thank you very much.

  12. Bediha says:

    çok güzel bir çalışma. teşekkürler

  13. Masnawibalam says:

    Thank Personas Rotetor and great fun and gives unique characteristics to browse.

  14. Seyyed Ali Hedayat Mofidi says:

    This add on is awesome and makes Firefox really beautiful, but I have a problem.
    Is there anyway that I exclude animated personas? every time an animated persona shows up, it reduces the performance. It’ll be the best if you make that as an options.

  15. remy says:

    it is extremely great and facinating. i love ur the graphics and the transparency. thanks!

  16. Alan says:

    This add-on is great cause now I can have many background personas right in Firefox without choose style by style. It works perfectly

  17. Thanks for the beautiful Rotator,it’s so colorful.I apperciate it.Sincerly,Frances