
You may contact me by sending an email to baris (at) barisderin . com or a comment to this contact topic.
5 Responses to “Contact”
You may contact me by sending an email to baris (at) barisderin . com or a comment to this contact topic.
Merhaba Barış,
Web siten harika, Firefox hakkında yapmış ve Firefox’un geliştiricisi olmalısın. Bir Türk olarak başarının devamını dilerim. :)
Selam adaş :) Readability eklentini kurduktan sonra sitene geldim, iyi ki de gelmişim. Kaliteli bir Firefox geliştiricisi gördüm :). Başarılarının devamını dilerim.
Kaly from is here. It gives me a pleasure to say that
we have featured your website/program on
6 Add-Ons To Improve Firefox Page Zoom Feature
Please check out our review and feel free to comment on it in case you think we
missed something. We would appreciate if you give the article a boost by ‘Digging’,
‘Stumbling’ and sharing the article with your Twitter followers and Facebook friends
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that is being sent to nearly 230.000 people
We would highly appreciate if you also let your site visitors know about the review or add it to
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Let us know
Best regards,
Kaly (the editor and co-founder)
Thank you so much for the return of font style support in the drop-down menu. I gave a 4 star review in Feb as a result of the removal of font style (thanks for your explanation as to why you had to remove it) You then offered to see if you could re-include it in a later version, and now you have done so! In a world were too many people take no pride in their work, you are an inspiration, especially as you do all this on a volunteer basis. If the banana republic in which I live did not have such draconian exchange controls I’d definitely be sending you hard cash. Alas, all I can offer you is my admiration and gratitude. By the way, I’ve told so many people about your great work ethic. (tried posting this as a review but it allows only one)
Dear Barisderin, So much thanks for your Reader Add-ons.