Personas Rotator

Congratulations! Personas Rotator installed successfully. Now you are ready to use your new add-on. What Will Your Browser Wear Now?
Personas Rotator is a companion for Personas Plus add-on. So Personas Rotator works in combination with Personas Plus to expand its functionalities and properties. As its name suggests Personas Rotator rotates your Personas at specific intervals automatically.
When installed Personas Rotator places a special menu option in Personas Plus menu. This way Personas Rotator is more elegantly integrated into the Personas Plus. You may reach the Personas Plus menu through status bar icon or Tools menu.
Personas Plus icon sits at the left bottom section of your Firefox in statusbar. If you do not have this icon you may need to activate the statusbar by following Firefox Menu Bar > View pathway and having a tick on Status Bar option.
If you left click on the Personas Plus icon you will notice the Personas Rotator menu option inside the popup menu. Hovering over Personas Rotator menu will reveal the add-on options.
Also you may reach Personas Rotator menu by following Firefox Menu Bar > Tools > Personas pathway as above image depicts.
Personas Rotator will automatically rotate the Personas skins you have. If you logged in and have favorites in the system, the add-on will try to rotate your My Favorites personas. If you did not log in the system and have no My Favorites personas the rotation is completely random through different collections. The rotation interval time is set to 1 minute as default and you can change this value through settings.
To change the Personas Rotator settings just left-click the normal Personas icon on Firefox status-bar. This will open up the Personas context menu which will provide you the Personas Rotator menu option.
By choosing Options menu, you may adjust the add-on cycle through All categories, My Favorites or set to rotate inside a specific category (e.g. Foxkeh) Also rotation interval can be changed as your like.
Note: If you:
• activate another Personas from Personas menu
• choose Default menu option from Personas menu or
• install new Personas from
the rotation automatically stops. Because those requests should stop the rotation to see the changes took place. To activate the rotation again, follow Personas menu > Personas Rotator pathway and choose Enable Rotation menu option.
If any time rotation is not active make sure that:
• you have logged in the (only required if My Favorites is choosen for rotation category)
• check the ration is enabled from follow Personas menu > Personas Rotator pathway and choose Enable Rotation menu option if it is available. (Do not choose Disable Rotation. It implies the rotation is active and you do not need to take any further proceeding.)
You may combine Personas Rotator with Browser Backgrounds which lets you install wallpapers to your Firefox to better customise your browser. Browser Backgrounds is a great companion for Personas.
What about another rotator add-on? Wallpaper Rotator is the new Firefox add-on that changes your computer Desktop wallpapers regularly. No need to install another software to change your Desktop Wallpapers any more.
If you find the application useful please support my development efforts.
Hope you enjoy.
It’s awesome tool man. I just love it cause it always make my browsing colorful !!!
Hello Beris-
I’m totally hooked on your Personas Rotator, but the last 2 months it has been a disaster. I posted a help topic on the firefox personas community help site, but no one from firefox has responded, and it’s been almost a month. I’m hoping you can help:
The problem seemed to start when firefox personas kept logging me out, even when I didn’t close the browser. So it became impossible to manage my “favorites” without having to to re-log in every time I clicked on a new link in personas (“just added”, “up and coming”, etc.).
Also, my personas rotator is now totally haywire. It won’t recognize the changes I’ve made in my “favorites”, and no matter how many times I uninstall themes, the rotator still keeps pulling them up as part of the rotation.
I’ve tried completely uninstalling the program (personas plus and the rotator) and then reinstalling, but nothing seems to help. And I’ve double and triple checked to make sure I have the latest versions of both. Please help if you can. (OK to email me privately if you want). Thanks!
Hi, Baris Derin! I appreciate your work and it seems that without Rotator add-on, Personas are… insipid.
But I suggest you to create a button that will block an actual theme and puts is in a blacklist. That’s because some themes are totally “out of taste”. And instead of just rotating to next persone, it will be good that this “wearing” that you don’t like will never resume again. Thanx.
It’s wonderful, my firefox has a beutiful appearance, easy to install, thanks for Personas Rotator
this is nice and wonderful
this a very nice application i have ever downloaded since my 2 years of downloading its nice keep it up
Hey Barış. Dostum gerçekten harika bir çalışma olmuş
It’s wonderful, my firefox has a beutiful appearance, easy to install, this nice aplication .thanks for Personas Rotator
its jaw dropping apps. and i,m totally hooked to it.changing personas every minute has been tasted with crazed astonishment,now settled for a decent half hourly interval.those neon skins are too cute to be lost every minute!
I’m happy with all of these neet add-on’s
I love helps me out alot with my old computer.And it keeps me from crashing .Love Persona and all of the pictures its hard to decide on just 1..
Very nice. Only problem is I spend more time choosing “Favorites” than I do working! It is easily installed and understood. I highly recommend this add-on.
Well done, Mr. Derin!
I’m new to this add ons and i just love it.
this is a great add-on, its amazing. instead of having so many themes downloaded. you can just have it all in this. its great, you never know when your theme is going to change and when!
love it.! keep the add-ons coming firefox. (: