Personas Rotator

Personas Rotator Project Image

Personas Rotator is a new companion for Personas Firefox add-on to change your beloved Personas skins periodically on Firefox. What Will Your Browser Wear Now?

Personas Rotator is a rewarded Firefox add-on to change over 65000+ skins periodically on Firefox. Personas Rotator will automatically rotate the Personas skins you have. If you logged in and have favorites in the system, the add-on will try to rotate your My Favorites personas. If you did not log in the system and have no My Favorites personas, the rotation is completely random through different collections over 65000+ skins. The rotation interval time is set to 1 minute as default and you can change this value through settings to your liking.

You can also add any skin to your favorites by using special toolbar buttons. Rotate Next functionality will switch to another skin if you did not like the current Persona. You can use or adjust the keyboard short-cuts from Options panel of Personas Rotator.

Install Personas Rotator

57 Responses to “Personas Rotator”
  1. DaMachk says:

    Sure would have been nice to implement a function that would rotate only the personas the user has in his favourites…

  2. Baris Derin says:

    Hi DaMachk,

    Next version will support favourites.

  3. DaMachk says:

    Fast update is fast, i like it :D

  4. Tss says:

    I’d love to see this working with the built-in Personas of Firefox 3.6… Anyway, thanks for the awesome add-on!

  5. MikeMainello says:

    I tried installing this with version 3.6 and it says it is not compatible. Any ideas?

  6. Baris Derin says:


    Personas Rotator is compatible with Firefox 3.6. Have you installed Personas?

  7. Tamie says:

    Cool add-on!

    I’d like to have the option of setting how long between skin changes. Right now it seems to be going too quickly. Would be fine if it just changed it at start up, or once per hour…..

  8. Baris Derin says:

    Hello Tamie,

    Personas Rotator already supports changing the interval time between skin changes. Just click the Personas statusbar icon and hover over Personas Rotator menu and click on Options to change the settings.

    Here is a complete How to Use Guide tutorial:

  9. Ricky Marek says:

    Great plugin, recommended to all Personas users. (Thanks for sharing)

    Suggestion for an enhancement: an menu item for “Rotate Now”, sometimes the random selected theme is not what you want and you want to change it and don’t wait till the plugin will rotate it for you.
    Keep going and have a nice weekend.

  10. EiltDruin says:

    I really like this idea, but the extension seems to be unable to log in to the Personas site to access the My Favorites category. Even after logging in, selecting Favorites as an option for the rotation causes the extension to tell me I’m not logged in.

  11. Baris Derin says:

    Hi EiltDruin,

    Strange. This is the first time someone reported such a problem. It is supposed to log in without any problem. Maybe you have a Firefox cache problem.

  12. Jane says:

    I really want this, having a gazillion skins installed, but it’s not working.

    I’m new to Firefox, so please bear with me. I installed it, but it’s greyed out with an exclamation point on the extentions page. It says “requires additional items.”

    Is there a way to have a bunch of the persona themes installed at the same time?

  13. Baris Derin says:

    Hi Jane,

    Personas Rotator is a new companion for Personas. Therefore you need to first install the Personas and then Personas Rotator:

  14. reddar says:

    I am running into a bug. I have rotator 0.3 running on “My favorites” and the interval is every 60 seconds. My problem is that it is only rotating the most recent (last selected) 42 favorites from .

  15. Baris Derin says:

    Hi reddar,

    Thanks for the report. I will check that out and create a workaround if possible.

  16. Bill says:

    Is it possible to add a ‘fade’ feature to the rotator so one persona fades to the next? Would be awesome!

  17. Dillon says:

    I love this. Probably one of the best extensions I’ve ever installed.

    One thing I’d like, though is for the rotator to update when I change my favorites.

    For example, I’ll remove a persona from the “my favorites” tab on, and it still shows up on the rotation.

    Just a little idea I had.

    I could try unistalling and re-installing it, but I don’t think that should be necessary.

    Other than that, this is simply an amazing extension.

  18. Kewl says:

    Absolutely great. Would you extend it to support Thudnerbird too, I need it there more as I spend more time reading mail. Waiting for the update. Thank you (y)

  19. Kewl says:

    all added personas being downloaded to themes, there will be hundreds by the end of the day. Is there a way to change personas without downloading them to themes section?

  20. Baris Derin says:

    Hi Kewl,

    I may add the thunderbird support for the next versions.

    About theme download problem: It is actually a problem of Personas Plus. You know Personas Rotator works in combination with Personas Plus. So it is actually difficult to change a behaviour of another add-on from Personas Rotator. But I will try to create a workaround if possible.