Youtube Video Replay

Youtube Video Replay How to Use Guide Image

Congratulations! Youtube Video Replay installed successfully. You can right now start using your new add-on.

Youtube Video Replay is a simple tool that lets you replay Youtube videos when activated. All Youtube videos are looped automatically whenever the Youtube Video Replay button is clicked.

You can click on Replay button below the Youtube videos to activate the Replay. When the page loads the replay state is set to Off therefore Youtube Video Replay button says Replay :: OFF. Clicking on the button will activate the loop and the video will replay when it reaches the end of the playtime. The button will now say Replay :: ON. If you want to deactivate replay you can re-click on the button anytime.

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3 Responses to “Youtube Video Replay”
  1. Mbahng says:

    It is really great to have these features that
    enables a play and replay of video

  2. jaafar says:

    this is the best website I had ever seen

  3. plax says:

    The replay button works really great, and it looks good too =) Thanks