Facebook Message Seen Disable

Facebook Message Seen Disable How to Use Guide Image

Congratulations! Facebook Message Seen Disable installed successfully. You can right now start using your new add-on.

Facebook™ Message Seen Disable lets you turn off Facebook‘s seen feature for messages and chat automatically for your account. You can still see seen status of other users but they will not see your seen status.

Facebook™ Message Seen Disable is a helper tool for Facebook™ users. Facebook™ Message Seen Disable is not officially affiliated with Facebook™ or any Facebook™ products. Facebook™ is a registered trademark Facebook Inc.

If you find the application useful please support my development efforts.

9 Responses to “Facebook Message Seen Disable”
  1. Aant Tin says:

    This is to be more useful tool for me.

  2. arjun says:

    very nice app

  3. menna says:

    I love it

  4. Mirela says:

    Good applications!

  5. ali amiri says:

    it is a good app i like this thank you

  6. kenny says:

    very nice

  7. Gopal says:

    thanks for u,this icon has very useful myself

  8. does your addon also hide “currently typing” from being sent to the other party(ies) ?

  9. hussaini mohammed says:

    it look so nice