Open With Opera

Open With Opera Project Image

Open With Opera sends pages, links, tabs and images from Google Chrome to Opera browser.

Open With Opera lets you send any web page, tab, link and image from Chrome to Opera browser by right clicking on them. Open With Opera also supports Firefox for Android.

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3 Responses to “Open With Opera”
  1. klaus-peter says:

    hi, thanks for your add-on.
    Is it possible to add the “open link in opera” also to items in the bookmarks? currently it is shown only for links on pages.

  2. James says:

    How can I make all links in firefox automaticall open in Chrome browser.

  3. Greg says:

    Could you add an option to Open With Google Chrome to use command line arguments when opening? It would be useful to be able to use things like –allow-file-access-from-files and kiosk mode from the Firefox add-on. Thanks.