Share Button for Pinterest

Congratulations! Share Button for Pinterest™ installed successfully. You can right now start using your new add-on.
Share Button for Pinterest™ lets you send any web image and page to your Pinterest™ collections quickly and easily with a special share toolbar button.
Share Button for Pinterest™ will find and collect whole images in any web page and let you decide which to upload to Pinterest™ as your Pinterest share.
Share Button for Pinterest™ can be found next to Location Bar of Firefox main interface.
You can also right click on any web page image and choose Share Image for Pinterest option from context menu to share an image easily and quickly.
Share Button for Pinterest™ is a helper tool for Pinterest™ users. Share Button for Pinterest™ is not officially affiliated with Pinterest™ or any Pinterest™ products. Pinterest™ and Pin™ are a registered trademark of Pinterest Inc.
If you find the application useful please support my development efforts.
the application is very useful, thanks
Thank you sooo much for this pin. I cannot tell you just how much trouble Windows 10 is and just trying to do what you did before it has been a real pain. Thanks again.