Open With Photoshop

Congratulations! Open With Photoshop installed successfully for Safari. Please follow below steps to set Open With Photoshop to start using it.
You have successfully installed Open With Photoshop add-on but you just need some easy steps to set things up before using Open With Photoshop. Actually we create software which works out of box that does not require any additional step to use. Open With Photoshop for Firefox works without any configuration and you can use it as soon as you install the add-on. But Safari restricts extensions to access other programs installed on your computer for security reasons. Therefore you need to have a communicator software which needs to carry messages between Open With Photoshop extension and Photoshop itself. We are really sorry about this extra requirement for Safari version of Open With Photoshop, but this requirement is a necessity beyond our control. Anyway, required steps are not complicated and it can be done in only 15 seconds, fortunately.
1. Please download our communicator application to your computer by clicking the below download button.
2. Extract the downloaded archive file and copy extracted OWP Communicator into Mac OS X‘s Applications folder.
3. After you transfer the file into Applications folder, double click on the OWP Communicator to initialize the application for the first time.
That is it. Now you can go any web page in Safari and right click on an image and select Open With Photoshop to send the very image to Photoshop. Please note that Open With Photoshop is intended to work with the latest Photoshop version which is Adobe Photoshop CC 2014. You can still use older versions of Photoshop with Open With Photoshop extension but you may need to fine tune default Photoshop location inside the Open With Photoshop Options page.
Open With Photoshop is a new companion for web and graphic designers to open up any web image with Adobe Photoshop via a single and quick mouse click.
After installation of Open With Photoshop you can right click on any image inside a web page and choose Open With Photoshop option from context menu to send the very image to the Adobe Photoshop. If the Photoshop is not in open state the add-on will start up the Photoshop and will place the image inside the Photoshop when Photoshop is ready. If Photoshop is already open, Open With Photoshop will simply add the image in a new Photoshop window immediately.
Open With Photoshop usage is that simple and it is great time saver for web and graphic designers.
Open With Photoshop is a helper tool for Photoshop users. Open With Photoshop is not affiliated with Photoshop or any other Photoshop products. Photoshop is a registered trademark of Adobe Inc.
If you find the application useful please support my development efforts.