NoSquint Plus

NoSquint Plus How to Use Guide Image

Congratulations! NoSquint Plus installed successfully for Firefox. You can right now start using your new add-on.

Having a hard time reading on the web? Is that website with the ridiculously small font and hot-pink-on-slightly-darker-hot-pink text raising your blood pressure?

NoSquint Plus is a Firefox addon that can:

  • Override the default text-only and full-page (both text and images) zoom levels for all websites

  • Enforce your own foreground and background colors

  • Remember your zoom levels and color settings per site, automatically applying them when you return.

  • A powerful exceptions mechanism lets you split up or group together sites with URL patterns.

You can click on NoSquint Plus toolbar button to open up Site Settings panel for tweak Full Zoom, Text Zoom, Text Color, Foreground Color, Background Image, Visited Link Color and Unvisited Link Color settings for a specific web site. You can also Right click on any web page to get NoSquint Plus Site Settings context menu option to access Site Settings panel. Global Settings button is also placed in Site Settings panel to tweak options globally for all web sites.

NoSquint Plus is a restartless add-on and contains advanced color wheel, domain grouping and site exclusion support for Global Settings.

If you find the application useful please support my development efforts.

5 Responses to “NoSquint Plus”
  1. Oak Freed says:

    Thank you!

  2. Mahim says:

    This is the first time I’m using this extension.
    Best wishes and regards…

  3. Hasan says:

    I’ve been using the previous version almost a year. I think the service is a must-have for any firefox user. Please accept my sincere regards for the convenience!

  4. Sid Ell says:

    Thanks for NS+, most useful!

  5. Mirhanda says:

    Thank you for picking up the reins, I thought I’d never be able to read online after nosquint was borked.