Toggle Web Developer Toolbar

Toggle Web Developer Toolbar Project Image

Congratulations! Toggle Web Developer Toolbar installed successfully. You can right now start using your new add-on.

Toggle Web Developer Toolbar has been specially designed for web developers to provide easy to use methods to toggle Web Developer toolbar so that they can preserve their browser view area when they do not use Web Developer toolbar.

When installed Toggle Web Developer Toolbar places an icon in status bar automatically. Clicking on Toggle Web Developer Toolbar status bar icon will toggle Web Developer toolbar.

The same status bar icon functionality can be achieved by a Toolbar Button, too. You can add Toggle Web Developer Toolbar button by right clicking on any Navigation Toolbox button of Firefox, e.g. Home Button. Then choose Customize and drag the Toggle Web Developer Toolbar button and drop it on wherever you want in the Navigation Toolbox. Do not forget to click on Done button of Customize Toolbar Panel.

Even a smarter and faster toggle activity can be achieved by keyboard short-cuts. You can use CTRL + ALT + T keyboard combination to toggle Web Developer toolbar for Windows. COMMAND + Option + T is the keyboard combination for Mac users.

If you find the application useful please support my development efforts.

9 Responses to “Toggle Web Developer Toolbar”
  1. Thanks for the add-on, it is brilliant in its simplicity :)

  2. Ashish says:

    I was looking for this option for very long.

  3. Aslam says:

    Cool~! thanks for such an addon!!

  4. Great plugin! Thank you!

  5. nancy says:

    Another genius addon. I always go straight to your addons when I have a problem.

  6. Alexander Rhett Crammer says:

    Thank you so much for this add-on. It’s so helpful! I can’t get over how convenient it is to press a simple shortcut to access all of these tools. Thanks a billion!

  7. vaibhav jain says:

    thanks for help

    it is useful for us.

  8. Gilles says:

    thank you, very usefull

  9. khou says:

    Thank you really so much for this great module so usefull !