WordPress Toolbar

Wordpress Toolbar How to Use Guide Image

Congratulations! WordPress Toolbar installed successfully. You can right now start using your new add-on.

WordPress Toolbar is a simple tool that provides you an easy to use toolbar for administration of your WordPress Blog.

To use it just click on the WordPress icon in status-bar. Using jQuery, it appends the default WordPress admin menu to whatever page you’re currently on and styles it with CSS, fixing it to the top right corner. Assuming you’re on a site that’s running WordPress (and it’s installed in the domain’s root), you now have instant access to the entire administrative back end (sans any pages from custom plugins, etc) from the front end.

To remove the the toolbar menu, just re-click the WordPress Toolbar status-bar icon, ad infinitum.

WordPress Toolbar is forked from Tommy’s WordPress Admin Toolbar

If you find the application useful please support my development efforts.

10 Responses to “WordPress Toolbar”
  1. […] WordPress Toolbar « Baris Derin. This is worth checking out, he has done a really good job of adding all the popular functionality from the WordPress administration page to Firefox. Definitely worth looking into, for me it definitely is making my life a little easier and I find myself blogging a little more with this tool. […]

  2. Albert Usada says:

    Be easy and more practical when I posting on my admin’s blog, and smartly. Thanks for your care to share for me.

  3. Uwe Seibert says:

    Very useful. Only with WordPress.com blogs, there is already another toolbar on top which partly hides it. Woul dbe nice if it could be moved to somewhere else.

  4. Excellent resource- I really appreciate your efforts. I love the “Sharing is Sexy” toolbar ;)

  5. Thanks for building such a great tool. It makes life much easier and of course quicker get into the back-end admin.

  6. […] WordPress Toolbar « Baris Derin.   […]

  7. […] by georaider WordPress Toolbar « Baris Derin.  So far a Nice addition to firefox Share this:ShareFacebookEmailPrintTwitterLike this:LikeBe the […]

  8. alfathprint says:

    very nice…i like it.

  9. Very useful. Only with WordPress.com blogs. Be easy and more practical when I posting on my admin’s blog, and smartly. Thanks for your care to share for me

  10. FERNANDO says:

    It´s great, easy and usefull.