Toggle Web Developer Toolbar

Congratulations! Toggle Web Developer Toolbar updated successfully. This version contains below improvements:

• Backward Compatibility Support

Backward Compatibility Support

Toggle Web Developer Toolbar has been updated to improve backward compatibility support for older versions of Firefox browser.

If you find the application useful please support my development efforts.

5 Responses to “Toggle Web Developer Toolbar”
  1. nancy says:

    Thanks for all your great addons

  2. Jason Newton says:

    Very useful web development tool this is!

  3. H M DAHIME says:

    This is the most usable developpers too bar. kindly add some new features to view developped web page in different browser with all possible different resolution and monitor/lcd sizes. So can develop a best suit web page for all monitors and resolutions.
    Again Thanks for making it free and update with all firefox versions.
    Kindly do the same for chrome and ie also.

  4. Steve C says:

    Fantastic addon. Firefox is great Firefox + web dev tool-bar is unbeatable.

    Small donation made, thanx

  5. Walt Mecleary says:

    A real space saver, every pixel adds up. More screen real estate translates to less scrolling which in turn save time.